Once you are in receipt of government funding be that Apprenticeships, Adult Education Budget or Adult Learner Loans your organisation will come under the scope of Ofsted.

Understanding the latest inspection framework, how inspections are carried out and the consequences of inspection results are vital to the sustainability of any further education organisation.

Experience & dedicated help

Our team have working in the further education sector for years and have the experience to be able to help you prepare for an Ofsted inspection no matter what size your organisation is.

A critical friend

We’ve successfully supported organisations through their first monitoring visit, first full visits, ongoing monitoring visits and re-inspections. Each organisation must have an open and honest internal dialogue to understand their own strengths and weakness. Often having an external eye to be a critical friend can be vital in this process.

Appropriate level of support

Our approach ensures that each organisation receives the most appropriate level of support they require. This could be in the form of a 2 day quality audit with lines of focus on the latest inspection framework or a more focused approach conducting a deep dive into a curriculum area.

Quality training provision needs quality support

Get in touch for more details as every case is different, make a booking for a free consultation.

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