As a specialist provider focusing on community safety and ASB issues Resolve were perfectly placed to deliver the Anti-Social Behaviour & Community Safety Officer Apprenticeship. James helped guide us through the Gap in Provision process and then supported us to develop a successful Apprenticeship Register application. We’ve now been working with the consultancy for over 1 year as they provide monthly quality assurance support and guidance which has contributed to a successful first monitoring visit from Ofsted.
Resolve UK

The Education and Skills Consultancy have supported Omni Academy since early 2019, initially through the Apprenticeship Register application process and then to develop systems and process to effectively delivery apprenticeships. The relationship continued to develop as the consultancy began to provide data management services to Omni alongside quality assurance support visits. Following Omni’s successful monitoring visit James joined the governance team to provide closer scrutiny and challenge.
Omni Academy

After discussing the possibility of delivering Apprenticeships to one of their clients Medlearn Training approached The Education and Skills Consultancy for support to complete the Gap in Provision process to apply to the Apprenticeship Register. James supported Medlearn through the whole process and after a successful application continues to work with them to develop their deliver capabilities. Further support sessions around funding compliance, Ofsted readiness, data management and curriculum planning took place. James also supported Medlearn through their first monitoring visit.
Medlearn Training

Making the step from being a sub-contractor to a main provider can be a daunting task but the support that The Education and Skills Consultancy gave to HaHa has been vital in the successful transition. Initially James supported HaHa through the Apprenticeship Register application process and then gave the team guidance through a New Provider Workshop. The workshop covered evidence requirements for funding, schemes of work, EPA preparation, Off the Job training, Ofsted and governance. Ongoing support was then provided around compliance and data management.
HaHa Training

As an experienced training provider Aire Vocational Training (AVT) had reached the point where becoming a main provider of apprenticeships was the next logical step in the organisational development. James supported AVT through the Apprenticeship Register process and then followed this with support around getting set up as a main provider, developing funding paperwork and making funding claims. The relationship then continued as the consultancy provided ongoing data management support for around 18 months.
Aire Vocational Training

The Education and Skills Consultancy have provided bid writing support to PHX for over 5 years. The bid writing team has successfully tendered for funding in Apprenticeships, Adult Education Budget, UK Shared Prosperity Fund and numerous smaller pots. With a dedicated lead bid writer in place, Sarah, the team have been able to gain a deep understanding of PHX and their strengths. The longevity of this relationship has been a key factor in its ongoing success.
PHX Training